Support those touched by COVID-19 during the month of May

As a person with underlying health concerns who is confirmed by the doctor as being “high risk”, I am very well placed to understand how difficult it is to live life during a global pandemic. Every move and decision you make is questioned. BC (before COVID-19) I would run across the street to the supermarket opposite my house if I forgot a vital element for the evening meal, now I find myself accepting that the meal is cooked without it or I fix something else, fully aware of the risk I am putting myself in by going to a shop where there are more than 5 people and all the items on the shelves have been handled multiple times. Every trip outside the house that involves going inside somewhere has to be assessed. It is a new way of life and it is a restricting and lonely existence. Even when I had to be careful during chemo, there were less restrictions placed on my life than there are now!

Yes, I have underlying health concerns, but I am not a key worker and have the luxury of being able to self-isolate and maintain social distance when I do venture out of the house and give myself the best possible chance of avoiding this awful disease. But there are so many people that do not have this option. There are so many brave men and women working on the front line to help those that are sick, putting themselves and their families at risk by doing so, and we all owe these people such a lot. These people are Fearless.

It is for this reason that for the month of May we have decided to donate a percentage of all Fearless. sales to a foundation helping those touched by COVID-19.

Please help us support this cause that in one way or another touches every single person on this planet.

Thank you!