Amount raised so far!
CHF 3’143.80
Who do we support?
Thank you for your generosity and support! A percentage of all FEARLESS. sales are donated to cancer charities and associations in order to support cancer research and people and their families who are dealing with cancer on a daily basis. Learn more about the associations who you help us to support!
La Ligue Contre le Cancer is committed to ensuring that cancer strikes less often, that it causes less suffering and fewer deaths, that more people are cured and that patients and their families find the help and comfort they need.
We want to reduce the number of cancer cases and improve the quality of life of those affected by the disease and their families.
Since 1991, the Swiss Cancer Research Foundation has been collecting donations to promote cancer research in all its areas: basic, clinical, epidemiological and psychosocial research. The Foundation is particularly interested in supporting patient-oriented projects whose results are of the greatest possible direct benefit to patients. The Board of Trustees of Swiss Cancer Research is responsible for allocating funds to researchers. It selects the research projects to be supported on the basis of recommendations from the Scientific Commission (WiKo), which examines all applications according to clearly defined criteria.
The Swiss Cancer Research Foundation is also part of Oncosuisse, the Swiss Cancer Society, and as such supports the development and implementation of cancer control measures in Switzerland. The aim of Oncosuisse and its network organisation "Oncosuisse Forum" is to join forces to improve the situation of people affected by cancer, to ensure equal access and quality, and to act as interlocutors for the political world.
Cancer Support Switzerland is a non-profit association of volunteers and professionals that offers emotional support, practical help, well-being activities and a welcoming community in English to anyone affected by cancer. Our CancerSupport Centre provides a friendly and confidential space where any and all nationalities can find support, year-round and free of charge. Our vision: No one faces cancer alone.
Zoé4life is a Swiss association, recognised as being of public utility, which fights against paediatric cancer. The association was born in 2013, to support Zoé and her family, but unfortunately the disease finally got the better of her and Zoé passed away, 2 days before her 5th birthday. Zoé4life has chosen to continue the fight and has set itself 4 goals which are: financial support for families, funding innovative treatments in paediatric oncology, improving children's daily lives during and after treatment and raising awareness about childhood cancer, which is still too taboo today.