The Butterfly

I am beyond excited to unveil our new butterfly design, which has been designed exclusively for Simply Zoë and Vachement Suisse. We are launching it on a collection of childrens baby grows and t-shirts!

I have found myself drawn to butterflies since my diagnosis and when I started Simply Zoë, they became a part of the logo.

I started to notice butterflies everywhere and was buying anything that had butterflies on them – diaries, notebooks, even my mouse pad! I asked myself why?

Butterflies symbolise rebirth, transformation, change, hope, endurance, and life. I realised that it is not unlike what you experience after a cancer diagnosis. You are forever changed, you feel vulnerable and fragile, treatment is usually exhausting. You can’t imagine going through one more day of chemotherapy, let alone the five and a half months of infusions that were prescribed, but you do get through it. You endure gruelling treatment; your body is forever changed after surgery and you will never view life with the same mindset as before. But the hope is that all you endure will give you back the life that was so nearly taken away, or at the very least, give you more time.

More and more women are being diagnosed with breast cancer and the scary fact is that the age of diagnosis is getting younger. It is, for this reason, we decided to launch the butterfly design on a children’s line. My hope is that we can donate as much as possible to cancer research over the coming years and by the time our children are adults, cancer will be as easily managed as the common cold. Wouldn’t that be something!

We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.
— Maya Angelou
Zoe Zenklusen Payne