Body Positivity
I ummed and ahhed for a while whether or not I should post this picture as I really don't like how I look in it. A model I am not, but I was trying some poses to showcase our new tank tops anyway. I decided it was a fantastic example of body positivity and there were two issues that struck me.
Firstly, the images that we are usually presented with on social media are of beautiful, slim bodies - more often than not though, these are actually a case of good lighting, decent angles, and breathing in! I am by no means overweight, but I am not as toned as I could be, which is clear by the roll you can see on my middle, but I am also sat at an awkward angle that was never going to lend itself to producing the amazing lifestyle shot I was going for. Social media is a fantastic outlet in so many ways, but people only share what they want you to see, remember that.
Secondly, the picture highlights very nicely some of the secondary effects caused by breast cancer treatment. My left arm looks huge in this picture, again, it's the angle of the photo, my arm is not that big at all, but a lot of women do suffer from lymphedema which is swelling in the arm caused after removal of the lymph nodes which causes fluid build-up. I had all of mine removed, you can see the scarring in my armpit, and it has definitely resulted in the top of my arm being a little bigger than the other. I have a compression sleeve for when the pain becomes too annoying and there are exercises that can help. I am one of the lucky ones. Some people suffer from this terribly and there is presently no cure for it.
If this picture can inspire just one person to be comfortable in their own skin, that's a win. More importantly, if this picture can raise awareness of the extended issues suffered as a result of breast cancer, it's an even bigger win. I am dedicated to raising awareness and fighting for a future free from cancer. A percentage of all sales are donated to cancer associations.