Zoë guest blogs for Ticking off Breast Cancer

I was excited to be asked to guest blog about my experience of being diagnosed with breast cancer by the fabulous Sara of Ticking off Breast Cancer, for her post-surgical lingerie Instagram post. You can read it here.

Sara started her website, inspired by her own breast cancer diagnosis, to provide straightforward advice and to list all of the online resources that are available to people being treated for and recovering from breast cancer. This evolved into a flourishing online community with people from all over the world sharing their personal stories, experts sharing tips and advice, guest blogs and so much more!

Ticking off Breast Cancer

Ticking off Breast Cancer

Additionally, Sara has written a book, called Ticking off Breast Cancer, which is a primary account of her breast cancer treatment. My copy is on its way and I can’t wait to read it! This book is for anyone that is going through their own diagnosis, and for family and friends who may find it helpful to know more about what their loved one is going through. It is available for purchase on Amazon!

Zoe Zenklusen Payne