International Women's Day 2021 - Ticking off Breast Cancer

Today is the penultimate post of my week celebrating amazing women who support the breast cancer community, inspired by Monday’s International Women’s Day. I have previously talked about Sara of @tickingoffbreastcancer and what an amazing resource her website is, based on her own breast cancer experience. I mentioned that she had written a book and that I was very much looking forward to reading it. Well, I’m finished, I am impressed and I would recommend this book not just to anyone diagnosed with breast cancer but very much to the family and friends of that person.

I think this book would be particularly helpful if you have the same type of breast cancer Sara had, which I do, but anyone going through the shock of diagnosis, treatment and recovery will surely appreciate the frank, honest and open account of Sara’s experience.

Like so many people I’m sure I wasn’t alone with scouring the internet looking for information of what I could expect during treatment. I couldn’t find what I was looking for and ended up even more stressed and worried. This book spoke to me. Sara puts into words exactly how I felt. It helped me to realise that I was not alone in what I experienced and I how I felt. This is the information that I wish I had! I certainly feel like this is a wonderful tool one can refer back to during the more anxious moments, just to ground yourself and remind yourself, what you are feeling is ok. On P.187 Sara explains the initial inspiration for her website and book after being asked to talk to the friend of a friend who received a diagnosis. How could she help? “I would have wanted a hand to hold mine and for someone to say it’s going to be tough but you’ve got this, and to help you, here’s what you can do to prepare…”

One of the things that immediately struck me is how beautifully written it was. No medical and sterile jargon which is incredibly refreshing. I think Sara should think about writing a novel if she hasn’t already thought about it!

Sara Liyanage

Sara Liyanage

The book is full of practical advise and checklists (you will come to understand the importance of that….the clue is in the title!) that are genuinely helpful not just for the person with the illness but is a great resource for the ones closest to that person. Unless you have or have had breast cancer, you cannot truly understand what your loved one is going through but I am absolutely convinced that if you read this, you will have a much deeper understanding. I urge family and friends to have a read, it will help you deal with your own emotions surrounding the diagnosis as well as a better understanding of what your loved one is going through and how you can help.

No two people have the same experience. There are many different types of breast cancer, many different types of treatment, diagnosis can be earlier for some and later for others, some people can be considered as cured, while others will live with it for the rest of their lives. But in this book, there is something anyone with breast cancer and their loved ones can relate to.

Sara ends the book with a list of lessons she learned. Number 65 of 65 is “Life is a precious gift, so live it well”. So true. I personally want to thank Sara for her story, there was much I could relate to and above all to know, whatever my new normal is, my feelings, emotions and anxieties are normal!

You can get your copy of Ticking off Breast Cancer directly from Sara’s website:

Zoe Zenklusen Payne