International Women's Day 2021 - WILDFIRE Magazine

Continuing with our week of celebrating International Women’s Day, I am excited to bring you today’s inspirational project, WILDFIRE Magazine, specifically for the breast cancer fighter and survivor.

April Stearns

April Stearns

All of their contributors are women who have been diagnosed under the age of 50, with the intention to provide a much needed community and support network for women of all ages being treated and recovering from breast cancer. Each issue focusses on a specific theme such as metastatic cancer or infertility and contains the stories of real women.

The magazine is the brainchild of April Stearns, who realised after her own diagnosis at 35, that there was a real lack of information about what it is really like to live your life not only during the treatment but also after recovery. The magazines are full of inspirational stories and I really look forward to receiving my monthly copy!

Zoe Zenklusen Payne