International Women's Day 2021 - Secondary Sisters

Today while we continue celebrating International Women’s Day, I would like to introduce you to Nicky and Laura, founders of Secondary Sisters, an online resource whose mission is to change perceptions of living with incurable breast cancer.

Laura and Nicky

Laura and Nicky

There is much that people don’t know about breast cancer, myself included before my own diagnosis. Some of the misconceptions include assuming that only older women get breast cancer, that it is treated and beaten or that once cancer spreads, it is a death sentence with poor quality of life. As someone who was diagnosed de novo, which means that the cancer has already spread past the breast and the lymph nodes into another organ at the initial diagnosis, in my case bones at the age of 39 six years ago, I am now fully aware that you don’t need to be old to get breast cancer but that you can also lead a full and active life living with secondary cancer.

Nicky and Laura were both diagnosed with secondary cancer at the age of 30, meaning that initial diagnosis was received in their 20’s. Both of them are in active treatment and will be for the rest of their lives but neither of them let the illness hold them back from living life to the full or from taking the time to share their experiences while raising awareness.

These two women prove beyond doubt that you can live well with an incurable illness and both of them have really fun social media accounts that would give anyone a boost, let alone someone who is living with the illness and is worried about their future. They provide an honest account of living with cancer, treatment, the good days, and the bad days. You can follow them individually on Instagram on @nicknacklou and @baldbooblessandbeautiful or together on @secondary.sisters where you can join some fun and inspiring live broadcasts! These wonderful ladies give me a daily lift and I am sure you will be inspired by them!

Zoe Zenklusen Payne