International Women's Day 2021 - Amy Kate Wolfe

Today we celebrate International Women’s Day. The theme this year is #ChooseToChallenge. How can we help to forge a gender-equal world? This week I will focus on celebrating women’s achievements and will feature a daily post and blog of seven women/projects that I find inspiring. They all have cancer-related projects and all of them have crazy talent that needs to be celebrated. I hope you enjoy reading about these women this week.

Today we start with Amy Kate Wolfe, who is an illustrator and animator, and the talent behind the artwork in today’s post.

Top-left, clockwise: Biking trips, Best friends, Claire’s life, International Women’s Day

Top-left, clockwise: Biking trips, Best friends, Claire’s life, International Women’s Day

I first came across Amy on Women Rock Switzerland, which is a Facebook group for women in Switzerland, connecting women across all areas, be that running businesses, creating events, networking, mothering, just about anything.

Amy is an illustrator who has the most wonderful talent for turning your holidays, events, and or ideas, into the most beautiful artwork. Having seen her work on the Group, I first contacted Amy to commission a gift to the men in my family who are motorbike mad and took annual biking trips, on a quest to find the perfect biking roads. All Amy needed from me was some photos to represent the feeling I wanted the picture to capture and a description of the trips they took. When she sent the first draft, I was blown away by how perfectly she had captured their experiences. Sadly, my dad, one of intended recipients was incredibly ill and died days later. The draft arrived in time for me to show it to him, and I take comfort in that. Not only is Amy an amazing talent, she is kind and sensitive and finished the illustration with little input given my mind was elsewhere. The artwork was well received and I am such a huge fan that I have since commissioned further pieces! One to celebrate the relationship with my oldest friends and the other, the life of my sister-in-law.

Her portfolio, which you can view on her Instagram feed @amykatewolfe, is a fabulous mix of capturing people’s lives, current and political events, and health information, all of which I am confident you will enjoy browsing through.

I am excited to announce that Vachement Suisse and I are working with Amy to add to our FEARLESS. collection. Watch this space!

Zoe Zenklusen Payne